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Adding Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) data

SmartData users may directly upload hydraulic profiling tool (HPT) data. HPT probes estimate hydraulic conductivity of the subsurface, measure hydrostatic pressure, electrical conductivity, and other site variables important for a remediation project.

To add HPT direct sensing data to the project, click the Project Data icon. Next, click the Upload New Data button and choose one of your files to upload. For HPT data, the file must be saved in the zip format created by the GeoProbe software. Click the Upload button. You have now successfully uploaded your HPT data.

Now that you have uploaded your HPT data, you are able to view it on your map.  First, click the Site Model icon on the toolbar across the top of the interface to go back to the site model.

Expand the HPT data submenu in the left hand column of your screen.  In the Detectors submenu, you can choose between various HPT variables to be displayed on the map viewer.

Clicking on or hovering your cursor over a station marker will display tabular HPT data.  Adjusting the elevation of interest will display only HPT data pertinent to the elevation of interest.  

To view a graphic chart of a station's HPT data, click on the station of interest.  A Selected Sites (1) tab will appear at the bottom of the map viewer.  Click on this tab and a graphic chart of the HPT data will appear.  Users are also able to click on multiple stations and multiple station charts will appear below. 

In the Value Scale submenu, select the Individual, Collective (selected), or Collective (all) option to turn on the chart visual representation of the HPT data.  In the Depth Scale submenu, select the Individual, Collective (selected), or Collective (all) option to turn on the chart visual representation of the HPT data. 

Users can save these charts using the Save Screenshot button across the top of the interface (make sure to select the include chart option).

If you would like to only display certain detectors throughout your entire project, you can do this in the Project Data tab.  Click the tab of your data type, click Edit Detectors/Stations, and then deselect the detectors you do not want displayed in your project.  Now click the Update Visible Detectors button and only your desired detectors will be displayed in your project. 



For more information, ITRC's "Field Application of Tools Case Studies"   

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