Adding monitoring well lab analysis
SmartData users may directly upload monitoring well lab data. Monitoring well lab data is often one fo the first steps in understanding and investigating remediation projects, and is therefore quite typical as an initial data set.
To add monitoring well lab data to the project, click the Project Data icon. Next, click the Upload New Data button and then, select the file you'd like to upload. For soil and water lab data, the file must be saved in the SmartData Electronic data delivery format (EDD). Here is a link to an Excel spreadsheet template for that format. Click the Upload button. You have now successfully uploaded data to your project.
Now that you've uploaded monitoring well lab data, you will be about the view your data on the map. Click on the Site Model icon on the toolbar across the top of the interface to bring you back to the site model.
Expand the monitoring well lab data tab in the left hand column of your screen. In the Compounds submenu, you can turn on and off the on-map visual representation of specific contaminants.
Clicking on or hovering your cursor over a station marker will display tabular lab data of maximum values. Adjusting the elevation of interest will display only lab data pertinent to elevation of interest.
If you would like to only display certain compounds throughout your entire project, you can do this in the Project Data tab. Click the tab of your data type, click Edit Compounds/Stations, and then deselect the compounds you do not want displayed in your project. Now click the Update Visible Compounds button and only your contaminants of interest will be displayed in your project.