Planning field work using SmartData
On this page, you'll see all of the stations that have been added so far.
To edit, click the green Start Editing button:
From here you'll see a text input asking for the name of the new location you are entering, referred to as the Station ID. Enter a unique label for this location, and select Add New Station.
A point will be placed in the center of the screen, which you can then move by clicking and dragging the icon to the appropriate location. The coordinates of the point are shown, and can be used as inputs as well if you know the coordinates from a previous survey.
Once the station is positioned correctly, either double click the pointer icon, or click Save <station ID> to save the point.
With a newly created station ID present, SmartData now notifies you that you have a station with no associated data by placing it in a list of Existing Stations, each with an icon displaying the types of data that are associated with each point.
You also have the options to upload a .csv file with station latitude, longitude, and elevation information to the project. You do this by clicking the Import Stations button across the top of the page. Select the .csv file you'd like to upload and click Open. Next, use the drop down menu to confirm that each variable is entered correctly. If you do not have elevation information in your .csv file, leave the elevation drop down menu in its default setting (the default is "-----"). Click the Add button. You have now added station information to your project.
Once you have added stations to your map, all users that have access to the project can see those planned locations, including field personnel using mobile devices. It helps to make sure the actual sample is taken from where it was intended. Any users that have Editing privileges can also update the station locations, at any time, even after data has been uploaded to that station. Often a site needs to be refined, once information comes back from the field on specific locations.
For more information, see ITRC's "Incremental Sampling Methodology" and "Remediation Process Optimization: Identifying Opportunities for Advanced and More Efficient Site Remediation"